The Unexpected Hobbies of Andrea Oliver: Hot Yoga and Cold Plunges In this episode of 'Unexpected Hobbies of Financial Advisors', hosts Brian Wright and Joshua Walker sit down with financial advisor Andrea Oliver from North Park Financial Planning. Andrea shares her intriguing journey into the world...
In this episode of 'Unexpected Hobbies of Financial Advisors,' hosts Brian Wright and Joshua Walker chat with Brooklyn Brock from Ellevate Advisors about her unique hobby as a board game navigator. Brooklyn shares insights into her role at Shuffles Board Game Cafe in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where she helps...
Breeding Exotic Reptiles with Kyle Thompson - Unexpected Hobbies of Financial Advisors In this captivating episode of 'Unexpected Hobbies of Financial Advisors', hosts Brian Wright and Joshua Walker introduce Kyle Thompson from Leetown Advisors who shares his unique passion for breeding exotic repti...
Mastering Off-Roading: Adapting to Different Terrains This clip from our full interview with 4x4 enthusiast Drew Schlotter explores the importance of terrain-specific skills in off-roading. It emphasizes that driving off-road isn't a one-size-fits-all skill set, as different environments like desert...
In this clip from our interview with 4x4 enthusiast Drew Schlotter, we discuss the evolving views on 4-wheel drive vehicles. From impractical daily drivers to eventually owning a 4-wheel drive Tahoe, a 4-wheel drive F-150, and now a full-size Tundra. Dad's gonna dad. #texas #4x4
Financial advisor and dolphin tour guide Jason Slone discusses the relationship between shark attacks and New Yorkers.
Trading dad jokes with fellow financial advisor and dolphin tour guide Jason Slone.
Navy Intel Analyst: Night Ops and Tactical Training Adventures Join financial advisor Drew Schlotter as he recounts his thrilling journey from college to becoming a Navy Intelligence Analyst. Stationed in Coronado and assigned to SEAL teams, they underwent rigorous tactical training, including off-r...
In this exciting episode of the 'Unexpected Hobbies of Financial Advisors' podcast, financial advisor Drew Schlatter from Legacy Consulting Group shares his exhilarating hobby of 4x4 off-roading. Co-hosts Brian Wright and Joshua Walker dive into Drew’s journey from growing up in Texas to his fascina...
Join hosts Brian Wright and Joshua Walker as they interview fellow financial advisor Jason Slone about his unexpected hobby as a dolphin tour guide on Tybee Island, Georgia. Discover how Jason got into this hobby, the unique behaviors of Tybee Island's resident dolphins plus how he entertains touris...